Friday, March 23, 2012

Training Update...

So, it has been hard. My trainer wasn't lying when he told me to keep with the clean diet and not steer from the course. It is crazy difficult getting back on it. I keep reading in health magazines that making a 'vision board' helps. I kept thinking this was silly, but as I continue to discover how difficult it can be I started thinking 'why not'. I started on it last night. I was drinking wine......regardless, I am making steps towards 6 protein packed meals a day. Never again will I steer away. Holy shit this has been hard! Almost harder then the strict diet I was on! Will power don't fail me!!! AHHH!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

And it Begins Again.....

It has been a long time since I have posted anything on here. Christmas in Montreal was magical and New Years was fun! I have made many recipes since my last post and I am lagging on my updates. I owe many recipes. We are already in February! The time is flyin' by.

The NGA is the day before my birthday, April 14th, and with time flying as fast as it is I know that I will not be ready in time. I have decided to take a different approach this year and I will begin to start training NOW for the NGA and NPC shows in the fall!

16 weeks of strict dieting took it's toll on myself and my beloved Chrissy. I have continued with my workouts, but the holidays have left a bit of their leftovers on my lovehandles! I don't want to compete unless I am leaner then the last show and I definitely can't handle doing another strict 16 weeks. SO, the next 6 1/2 months are going to be spent building yummy lean muscle and dieting. No sweets but some cheats.

I am currently doing 1 hour of cardio a day and lifting 6 days a week. Now it is time to return to 5 to 6 meals a day of clean eating goodness! Super excited to keep all of you up to date on the training and the eating!