Sunday, January 2, 2011

Get Shredded!

With the new year here, I have 3 and 1/2 months to reach my get ripped goal. I'd like to look at this as not a resolution, but a decision. Like most woman, I have spent most of my life being mean to my body. I have spent countless hours critiquing every last ounce of skin. Wondering why I have such short legs, I mean I'm just asking for maybe one or two more inches? Why isn't my hair thicker? Why can't my fat be spread evenly on my body, instead of settling on my belly, hips and ass? My decision for this year is to love every last inch of my 5'2.5" body. In order to get shredded I need to listen to my body, love it and give it what it needs. Here are my, not resolutions, but decisions for 2011:
     1. Get shredded!
     2. Love every little imperfection as one more thing that makes me beautiful.
     3. Give my body the good, yummy, foods it will need to be the best that it can.
I need to change the way that I look at these things. Those freckles are rare, unique and make me stand out. Why would I want long legs, when I have these strong ones that have helped me run for miles on end? My hair may not be thick, but I have lots of it and it dries faster that anyone I know. That fat spreads to those places because I am latin and curves make a woman look like one. I need to love them. What are your decisions for 2011?

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