Sunday, February 6, 2011

9.5 Weeks!

Alright, this is it! 9 1/2 weeks until my 30th! I've been working pretty hard, having Chris workout has helped. On Thursday, February 17th, I will have exactly 8 weeks left and I will be supercharging my diet. For the most part, at that point, no more carbs! :-( It'll basically be lean protein and veggies. No cheats for 8 weeks! Remembering this, last night was my cheat night and I had sweet potato fries at The Bayou. They were OH so yummy, but I feel sick this morning! I have spent so much time teaching me body to eat healthy, it's like it's rejecting them. Also, I don't eat any peanut butter unless it's Marathona or Adam's. The other day I made Chris a mocha protein shake with left-over JIF PB. I licked the spoon and began to gag. It tasted like a spoonful of peanuts covered in sugar!! I find it interesting how my tastebuds are now picking up on things like that. I also found an alternative for Nutella on my cheat days!!! It is Marathona Dark Chocolate Almond Butter and it is amazing. Same amount of calories, but the first 5 ingredients aren't sugar. I put it on whole wheat bread with sugar free jam. It is a healthier alternative, but I can't have it anymore for cheats in a week and a half. Alright kids, gotta go to gym. Today is Chest and Triceps.

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