Monday, December 27, 2010

A little reminder

The holidays have definitely been difficult. Chocolate and cookies and yummy goodies are everywhere!! I have certainly had a few cheats here and there. On Christmas Eve my wonderful boyfriend and I went to The Canyons to go snowboarding. I haven't been boarding since last winter and snowboarding was my first winter love. I used to LOVE to go camping, backpacking....ANYTHING in the summer and I hated everything about the winter until I was introduced to boarding. I was a senior in highschool. I have all brothers. I had no choice but to take up snowboarding. I remember waking up after boarding feeling like I'd been run over by a truck! So, Friday I went boarding for the first time this season. We went all day long and it was SO amazing! I loved every stinkin minute! I had a pretty bad spill towards the end of the day and woke up on Saturday with a huge bruise on my butt and guess what......nothing else. No soreness. No tiredness. No aches. No pains. I can only attribute this to keeping my body active and this is something that I have noticed for the past few winters since I began running long distances in 2005. I am rarely sore after doing some of the things that I love to do outdoors. I looked at this as a reminder as to why I sweat my arse off 6 days a week at the gym. It's because I love to snowboard. I love to hike. I love to run. I love to camp, backpack, snowshoe and I love to explore and I want to continue to do these things clear into my old age. You are as old as you feel and I never want to feel old. It is up to me to maintain a healthy vessel so I can continue to enjoy the things that truly bring me happiness. I want to enjoy these things with the ones I love as well. These are the things that I thought about when I didn't want to go to the gym tonight. And you know what? I had an awesome workout. :-)

1 comment:

  1. First thanks for the invite to go boarding. I want to enjoy these things with the ones I love as well. Sorry you know me I like to give everyone one a bad time. You need to let Luanna and I know next time you guys go. I will for sure have so aches and pain though and I can attribute that to being lazy and eating to much good food. I have had a wake up call watch grandpa the last few weeks. He can not do anything. Let alone things he loves to do. Its given me some kick in the butt I need to eat better and get out more. I also need to get my weight down because I have to move grandpa around. He is maybe 200, and I have a hard time moving him around. They would have to have a fork lift to move me. So I have started and if you need a work out buddy or would like to come to life time and do some workouts or karate classes call me and let me know. In karate we have been doing alittle less fight and more training so I think you and chris would like it. It nice to change it up some time. If you need any help let me know
