Sunday, October 2, 2011


It's been a while since I have posted anything. If I told you my schedule, it might make sense why. I have been getting up each morning at 3:30 am to do 1 to 1 1/2 hours of cardio. I work from 6:30 to 2:30, then I go back to the gym to do another 1 to 1 1/2 hours of cardio and 30 to 45 minutes of weights. This is my schedule Monday through Friday. I have virtually no carbs in my diet and my fuel tank is running on empty. On Mondays I have a yoga instructor course at SLCC from 5:30 to 8:30 at night. Last night I cried myself to sleep......because I was so tired.
Is it worth it?
The results that I have seen, the people that I have met and the strength that I have found in myself have all made this worth while. The NGA was a whirlwind. I spent the week working out, going to the gym, going to hair appointments, going to makeup appointments, practicing posing, getting up before sunrise, exfoliating and shaving (yes, shaving) my entire body. I was spray tanned in the nude by my adorable pregnant trainer, Tiffany. Tiffany has now seen every part of my body, including the 'little miss muffet'. I had to buy black sheets so the spray tan, which turns you into a different ethnicity, wouldn't stain my nice bed sheets. I drove home from tanning wearing ONLY a silk robe so it wouldn't wear off.
The day of NGA my nerves had vanished and it was so refreshing to sit backstage with not only 50 plus people that UNDERSTAND what you have gone through, but also people that are genuinely nice. Everyone was so eager to help each other. A huge group of practically naked girls, helping fix each other's suits and hair. There wasn't even a bathroom stall, just a giant open room with a toilet so we were even doing THAT in front of each other. I can say that I have carried on a conversation with one of the buffest women I have ever met while sitting almost naked on a toilet.....peeing in a dixie cup with a hole in it so my tan doesn't smear.
You might think I'm crazy. I am. A little. We don't know our limits if we don't push the limits. We cannot become truly great or realize our true potential without pushing ourselves past our comfort zone. I have one life and I intend to live every minute of it. Perhaps a bodybuilding competition isn't something you want to do and that is okay. My advice is find that somethihg that you have always wanted to do, but you are terrified of and DO IT. Pour your whole heart into it. The reward will be worth it.

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