Saturday, October 8, 2011

No NPC for me....

Everything has been going wonderfully. I met with my trainer, Tiffany Heugly, on sunday to go over some of the NPC posing. I am leaner then I was at the NGA show. I was exhausted, but ready to go on stage. Still continuing with the vegan diet and I had yet to even have as much as a sniffle from allergies in over 6 months.

I woke up Thursday morning and my right eye was as swollen. It was as though someone had cut a golf ball in half and covered my eyeball with it. My eyes were watering, my sneezing had returned. I went to work that morning, then went home early and went straight to the doctor to reveal my worst nightmare. It wasn't an infection, it was my allergies again. The doctor said that it was "quite impressive" and that even my sclera (the white part of your eyeball) was swollen. He gave me a prescription for allergy eye drops and told me to put ice on it and take benadryl. I am not allowed to put my contacts in until the swelling is gone. I can see about 5 inches in front of my face. Glasses are not an option on stage.

I told my trainer and it turns out that both benadryl and panitol (eye drops) cause water retention. I had been on a diuretic to do the exact opposite. No good. My eye was burning. I can't even put lotion on my face, let alone a spray tan and stage makeup. So, here I am quasimoto, blind, sneezing, bloated, swollen eyes and face.....beautiful. Does NPC give a sympathy award?

I pulled myself out of the show. If I can't give 100% I don't want to do it. The down side?

Today is the day of the show. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little emotional. The up side?

My goal was to be in the best shape of my life. I am. I weigh the same I did when I was 17. I have leaned out a ton and all I have to gain is more muscle from here on out, so when I compete in the spring I will give those girls a run for their money.

Chris has been wonderful. I couldn't ask for better support or a better friend. When I asked him if this made me a quitter, his response was "You've done ALL the work already. That's not quitting."

I have had more support and love from friends and family and I am overwhelmed with happiness.

Tiffany and Shane Heugly are AMAZING!! They did everything that they could think of to help me to still compete. When I left the gym on sunday, Tiffany said "whatever happens, you've already won." It was that little sentence that helped me decide my health was more important than one show. They have had nothing but positive reinforcement and encouragement.

I got to eat chips and salsa. Oatmeal. A latte. Vegan mac n' cheese. Awesome!

So, that is my story. I will continue to update you with my off-season training and some yummy new vegan recipes!

Love, Sum XoXo

P.S. My before and after pics are up on under women's results and there are some more pics under paparazzi 2

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