Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hello. My name is Summer and I am a Vegan Health-Nut.

I feel compelled to write again about my choice to be vegan. No, take that a step further. I feel compelled to write about the reactions I get from people in regards to my eating choices. I was talking with my friend, Melissa, earlier this month. She competes in figure competitions (my idol) and we got on the subject of people's reactions when your response is "No, thank you." when offered something you choose not to eat. "It is hilarious how people get so offended!" She said. The funniest part is HOW MANY people become offended.
I have often found that when I tell people "no thanks" at work functions, the immediate response is peer pressure! "Oh, come on! Look at how skinny you are, you can have one brownie!" or "How about this, instead? Aren't you hungry?" or "Are you sure?"
My response: "No, it's ok. No thanks." It is most often at this point that people become offended. "Are you dieting?" or "Why not?" or "I made this for this potluck so everyone could have some!"
I choose NOT to tell people that I am vegan, because I have found that a TON of people intially tag you with a snotty-too-good-stamp. When I wasn't vegan, but I was also still a health nut, I received many of the same responses ESPECIALLY when I informed people that I never eat fast food. The best question before I was vegan was always "Why?"
Why do I choose to be healthy? hmmmm......I dunno.
Eating healthy is a choice. I don't judge you for eating your whopper or brownie or whatever so STOP IT with the judgemental looks and attitudes. I feel like an alcoholic coming out of the closet everytime I am forced to tell people I can't have something since I am vegan or I am lifting or I am getting ready to compete.
I have never felt pressured in my life to smoke a cigarette, but I have often felt cornered by coworkers when it comes to eating something they have prepared for everyone to eat that doesn't fit into my diet regimen.
I also find other assumtions quite amusing, like "She can't, she is vegan or something." or "She doesn't hang out because she is training." Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.
I am happy to explain to anyone what being vegan is like. Honestly, it's not that big of a deal. It isn't very hard for me because I naturally don't eat a ton of meat. I do spend time at the gym each day, but it equates to about 2 hours. There are 24 hours in a day, so it is obviously silly to assume that I am unable to participate in something simply because I go to the gym.
On the flip side, there are those that have wonderful and warm responses and do not pass judgement. To you folks, my response is thank you for being adults. I recently started a new job and all of the staff there have been nothing but nice when I have said "No thanks."
I am off my soapbox. :)
I met with my trainer again this afternoon. I went to the NPC show on Saturday and all of his contestants placed and one took the overall! YAY! I can't wait. Sending my pic to him tonight and the diet and training workouts start on Sunday. I haven't been so excited since I signed up to run my first full marathon!

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