Monday, May 2, 2011

Spring has Sprung....Flonase Anyone?

So much for no more allergy meds. At least not for today. I barely slept, woke up with the infamous swollen eye (yes, just one) and a wonderful head full of snot. Lovely. Took Flonase and Zyrtec...Zyrtek.....??? Felt better this afternoon and took a long nap on the couch with the dog and an ice pack on my eye....woke up with half of my dog's ass on my eye, but the swelling and burning went down regardless. I even felt well enough by 4 pm to go for a run. I took another shot of Flonase and off I ran. I may not be off of all of my meds yet but I shall carry on with my vegan adventures! I've also found that good ol' uncle Ray flares up during allergy season too! Nothing like a swollen face and numb hands. I found several recipes today that I plan on trying this week. Stay posted!


  1. So for Uncle Ray would you say the treatment is RACE? Rest, Ass, Compression and Elevation? LOL.

  2. Apparently it was. Thanks to Pogo. Apparently it needs to be a hairy ass.
